VG13 Architects is the practice led by Tommaso Fantini (1992) and Alberto Rossi (1992).

We invest ourselves in every project we work on, always engaging in an intellectual research throughout which we are able to realize our idea of architecture.
The aim, nonetheless, is never theoretical, but focused on creating buildings of striking quality that can have an intrinsic value of beauty and solidity.


Each of our projects takes its premises from a precise intention and become defined through a caring constant work.

Along the process we are definitely influenced by various external aspects — being them climatic, financial, legislative… —, but never to the extent in which our intention is no longer evident and visible.

The office has build in Italy, Switzerland and Morocco and has won awards and prizes in international competitions.


The office has led design studios at Università Federico II in Napoli, at Università di Genova and at the Hochschule Biberach in Germany, and have been invited for lectures and critics in several occasions.

Tommaso is PhD candidate and assistant at USI — Accademia di Architettura in Mendrisio and Alberto has been teaching assistant at ETH in Zürich. Both Tommaso and Alberto graduated from USI — Accademia di architettura in 2017, respectively with Walter Angonese and Valerio Olgiati.


2024PUBLICATIONVG13 ArchitectsPacini EditoreA. Salvi, F. Cappelli
2024EXHIBITIONVG13 ArchitectsFondazione Architetti FirenzeA. Salvi, F. Cappelli
2024PUBLICATIONViaggio in ItaliaProViaggi ArchitetturaR. Bosi
2023LECTUREUrban InfrastructuresPolitecnico di MilanoMatteo Ghidoni
2023LECTUREFigure, Tectonic, SpaceSoutheast University (SEU), Nanjing, ChinaHui Pan
2023LECTUREWall, Pillar, ColumnNABA, MilanoClaudia Orsetti
2023EXHIBITION10 Architetture ItalianeTriennale MilanoE. Molteni, V. Pizzigoni, M. Ghidoni, ph. G. Di Ioia
2022PUBLICATIONEighteen Italian StoriesAREAE. Molteni, V. Pizzigoni, M. Ghidoni
2022AWARDPremio Luigi Cosenza, 1st prizeNapoliFondazione Annali dell'Architettura
2022CONFERENCE"HOLY SHIT!"Cascina Crocetta, CuneoAmarchitectrue
2021LECTUREposizione, intenzione, definizione, costruzioneUniNa - Dipartimento di Architettura, NapoliAlberto Calderoni
2021LECTURE"Werkvortag"Akademie der Bildenden Künste MünchenPhilipp Wuendrich
2021CONFERENCELife of the Others - link to videoZoomF/A Fakeauthentic
2021LECTURE15 Architetture ItalianeUniGe - Dipartimento Architettura, GenovaE. Molteni, V. Pizzigoni, M. Ghidoni - PhD DAD
2020CONFERENCEITALY 2020 Best Italian Architects under 40 - link to videoADI Design Museum, MilanoPLATFORM, Luca Molinari
2020PUBLICATIONITALY 2020 Best Architects under 40PLATFORM n°27Luca Molinari
2020PUBLICATIONPorträt einer GenerationWerk, Bauen + Wohnen n°1/2Tibor Joannelly
2019LECTUREWhat's Next?USI - Accademia di architettura, MendrisioAAM Students
2019CONFERENCEXYZMAS, MilanoAmarchitectrue
2018EXHIBITIONubernäme18. Biennale Architettura, Veneziawith W. Angonese
2017LECTUREDue Ville a MarrakechUSI - Accademia di architettura, MendrisioAtelier W. Angonese


Aris Aragno, Massimiliano Selenati, Melanie Winkler

(since 2017) Andrea Sirotti, Nicola Soldini, Alessandro Pecci, Poyun Chang, Hannah Pielow, Luca Bonazzi, Ada Rosito, Vincent Kern, Lorenzo Livio, Xiangyu Zhao, Joséphine Saponaro, Tobia Morselli, Hao-Hsiang Chang, Leonardo Moschetto de Wan, Anna Pasquetto, Tong Zhou

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